Wednesday, 18 August 2010

While she waited for love...
Spent her days wishing for a man she couldn't have...
While she cried silent tears...
And prayed to whoever it may concern
to give her answers...
While she spent her nights awake...
And her days immersed in piles of paper...
While she stared vacant eyed...
And lost hope.. slowly and steadily...

He sat behind her..
Hoping she will turn around once..
He walked across her...
Hoping she would call to him once...
He lay underneath her feet...
Caught her when she fell...
With his invisible hands...
The hands she never saw or understood..

And so every time she thought she was going to drift away..
There was a thin thread of his hope holding her.. stopping her from floating away..

Before life passes both of them... someday maybe.. she will turn around and he wont be invisible anymore..
Her answers are infront of her.. If only she sees it...

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