Wednesday 2 July 2008

Something me and him wrote...

There are places we go to wait.

We go there to wait for love, for money, for life…and sometimes for
death.but we go there often.

You may not find these places on a map…you may not be able to get into your
car and drive to these places…

But for their undetectabiltiy…these are the easiest places to reach…always
within an arms reach or a thought away.

Places your mind. your heart creates.. sometimes as a refuge.. sometimes as a demonic existence you are seeking refuge from.. but cant resist to return to..

We go there to wait.. all of us do..
But what are we waiting for??

Some are waiting for destiny to come knocking, for them to finally find a space under the sun... a space exclusively for them..

Some are waiting to find a purpose, a meaning to their existence... waiting.. biding away time... fighting away cynicism...

While some are waiting for nothing... Some are just at this place to escape what they've found or some are at this place in ecstasy and in celebration of what they've discovered...

Whatever this place may signify for you... It still is there.. right in the middle of your heart or brain.. depending on what drives you...

The existence of this place is the very reason you're human...
And so we rediscover, recreate and return to these places...

To wait...


Kaushik said...

nice...made me think actually...never thought of it that way!

Raghav said...

in response to ur comment on my blog..."no they are"

by the way, wat r u waiting for?
wats ur godot ?

Anonymous said...

a purpose... isnt he always the real Mr. Godot? we know him yet we dnt.. =)